Juliette Mapp writes „Dancers have the advantage of being able to detach themselves from meanings conveyed by normal language usage. A dancer can live in a world of passing images, sensations, landscapes, relationships, and constructs without necessarily attaching herself to the specifity that language often creates. The not naming that defines much of the dancer‘s… Continue reading Crack
Tag: Exposure
What is it like to be a dramaturg?
Report during the Fabulation for Future conference. September 2021 Exploring the dramaturgy of things I refer explicitly to the paper by Thomas Nagel “What is it like to be a bat”. The dramaturg is seen as a strange animal. The problem is here how we can be conscious to be dramaturges and to practice dramaturgy… Continue reading What is it like to be a dramaturg?

There’s so much going on right now under the surface. What is being done is so little, what is passively happening, on the contrary, is a lot.
What is for you dance dramaturgy?
During the month of August 2021 I had the chance to organize a first attempt of dramaturgy workshop within a research context. As preliminary assignment, I asked the participants to come with five keywords they could instinctively connect to the practice of dance dramaturgy. Here is what they come up with. I grouped them in… Continue reading What is for you dance dramaturgy?
Transcription As I was trying to figure out the form this digital toolkit could take, I focused on the scope of this research: the analysis of how dramaturgy emerges from the digitally mediated sharing of artistic processes in dance. I eventually realized that one of the main characteristics of sharing one’s own artistic process was… Continue reading Exposed