

As I was trying to figure out the form this digital toolkit could take, I focused on the scope of this research: the analysis of how dramaturgy emerges from the digitally mediated sharing of artistic processes in dance. 

I eventually realized that one of the main characteristics of sharing one’s own artistic process was exposure. What if I exposed myself, too? 

Expose my research process, the difficulties, the fears, the joy and the thrill of doing research? 

Exposure is pain. 

Why pain? 

Exposure is deeply connected with truth and wonder.

Luciano Floridi writes: 

“The mind does not bear too much exposure. 

There is a reason why we prefer to linger in the darkness. 

The cave is refreshing. 

We do not wish to be blinded by the light outside, skin burning under the sun. 

Still, a life unexposed cannot be a life lived philosophically.” (Floridi, 2021)

I decided to live philosophically throughout this research path, to expose myself to your laughter, to your disappointment, to your wonder and curiosity.

This way, I will understand – maybe – better, how it feels for an artist to develop a dramaturgical practice within a shared process. 

Exposure will be my key. Hope you’ll understand.

The voice over is realized by Paola Ponti. Paola is a dance practitioner based in Faenza, Italy. She was one of the very first dancers I met, interested in the relationship between dance creation and digitally mediated sharing processes. She took part in the very first DanceMe project, back in 2010.

Thanks Paola for being the first voice of this trip.


Floridi, L. (2021). On the need to be exposed (series: notes to myself). OnLife.

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