Writing for reaching out

[This is an excerpt transcribed from the interview to Elisa Sbaragli and Sara Sguotti: you can find the video interview here] Giovanni: One last question regarding the topic of digital writing and specifically in terms of communication tools: what do you decide to communicate to the outside world? Why? Which tools do you use? Sara:… Continue reading Writing for reaching out

Writing through video

[This is an excerpt transcribed from the interview to Elisa Sbaragli and Sara Sguotti: you can find the video interview here] Sara: another interesting point for me is that in the practice of writing, understood in a very broader sense, the use of video is really relevant. It seems to me that the memory of… Continue reading Writing through video

Writing – Places

[This is an excerpt transcribed from the interview to Elisa Sbaragli and Sara Sguotti: you can find the video interview here] Giovanni: Where do you write? in the rehearsal room, in the bedroom, in the kitchen? In what kind of practical spatial situations? Sara: There are so many elements connected to the practice of dance… Continue reading Writing – Places

Writing – Colours

Giovanni: Do you make use of different colours when you write? Elisa: I don’t really mind. I tend to use a pen, but I’m not very specific when choosing what instrument to write with. My priority is to work on a stream of ideas, something that is lodged in my mind at that time. This… Continue reading Writing – Colours

Writing – Associations

[This is an excerpt transcribed from the interview to Elisa Sbaragli and Sara Sguotti: you can find the video interview here] Giovanni: When I say the word ‘writing’, which associations come to mind? Elisa: The associations which come to my mind are: notes, drawings, signs, trajectories and archives. Writing is dominant during the flow of… Continue reading Writing – Associations